Here is our lovely guest room that was in need of a bed. But, living in a staged house, I didn't want to buy a queen bed just for this space (nor could we afford to!). So I used what we had to make a usable, fairly comfy, lovely-looking bed!
Here were my ingredients:
1. Headboard - crib pieces
2. Bedding - mixed & matched linen we had
3. Box Spring - literally made from boxes... 16!
4. Mattress - our inflatable camping mattress, an air pump and a lot of (thin) air too!
These apple boxes are two-boxes-in-one, so they are extra sturdy. Plus they are all the same height for an even sleeping surface. I also love that all these empty boxes are conveniently located yet hidden for when the house sells and we pack up and move again.
I hid the boxes with our old bed skirt for a finished look. I also scrounged up our old Ralph Lauren bedding from back when we had a red, white & blue theme. Mixed with a few other linens we had, it becomes a tan & red theme, which works well with the wall color too.
The headboard looks like the old metal frames that could be divided into twins or combined for a master bed. The plaid, floral & stripe all work together for a truly casual, updated-country look. Perfect for a guest room out in the wheat fields!

(Just don't tell anyone our little secret!)