Monday, January 12, 2015

Lessons from A to Z ~ Quieres Jugar?

This Thanksgiving we took Abby & Zoe on their first International Mission trip to Tijuana Mexico, through our church Resonate

Our team of 27, made up of mostly college students and 2 families, partnered with Centro Shalom Church, staying in their compound at night and venturing into the barrios during the day.

Our team (and our family!) split up, using our gifts to do different tasks: I lead one of our house builds. 

The girls joined the VBS team in the barrio. 

And Chad led the cooking crew, splitting his extra time at VBS, the build, and speaking at the Thanksgiving Church Service. 

At first, I was a little concerned we weren’t together. But we were each so excited to be using our gifts in different ways. So the girls stepped out with the VBS team into the barrios on their own two “missionary legs”. 

Armed with a few Spanish phrases like,“Quieres jugar?” (Do you want to play?) 

And handing out “Invitations especial” (Special invitations) for VBS, the girls made fast friends.  

Minutes into meeting, they knew the children’s names and were playing a   rousing game of tag. With shacks and dirt as far as the eye could see, the girls didn’t hesitate to do what they do best—make friends and share Christ. Unhindered, unashamed, uncomplicated and totally having a blast. The girls reminded me that this is what missions is!

This is what Christ modeled for us: walking into communities, meeting people where they live, calling them by name and giving them a very “special invitation”. As a believer, the girls were such a good example for me. But as their mother, I was overwhelmed with JOY at seeing my daughters, my sisters in Christ, thriving at doing the very thing Christ has commissioned them to do.

Missions is that simple! Find someone who wants to play with you, then share with them the most special invitation ever. Quieres jugar?

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…” 
Matthew 28:18

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Star! I love what God is doing with your family and church! - Laura H
